Overview of MTIP MGF

The fund’s objective is to catalyse enhanced productivity and exports of macadamia and mango in terms of volume and value in line with the overall aim of the Malawi Trade and Investment Programme (MTIP). 


The MGF is targeted at: 

  1. Macadamia and mango mid-sized farms (MSF) with landholding from 3 to 40 ha with existing or planned export partnerships through off-takers.

  2. Smallholder farmer (SHF) cooperative organisations involved in macadamia and mango production, with existing or planned export partnerships through off-takers.

Adam Smith International (ASI), on behalf of FCDO, will establish and operate the fund initially on a pilot basis. ASI is currently inviting concept notes from MSF and smallholder farmer cooperatives in Malawi that are engaged in mango and or macadamia farming that will lead to increased productivity at the farm level, and which will contribute to increased number of jobs and exports from Malawi.

Illustrative Interventions for the MGF programme

  • Investments in irrigation infrastructure, equipment, and installation to enhance productivity on mango and macadamia farms and increase exports. This may include purchasing and installing boreholes, drip and sprinkler irrigation systems, and post-harvest handling equipment.

  • Investments in macadamia processing equipment to improve productivity and expand exports. This may include purchasing and installing a macadamia nut processing line including hoist, grading machine, shelling machine, conveyor belts, separator machine, colour sorter, and post-harvest handling equipment.

  • Investments in the construction of processing and storage sheds.

  • Investments in advisory services. This could include support for the development of farm business plans and business models, support for financial readiness and financial projections and agro-economic/technical advice.

Given the focus on market-based solutions, we will only consider applications from eligible applicants that present ideas which would not be feasible without support from the MGF. We will not fund existing operations or "business as usual." We are particularly interested in supporting solutions that could not be implemented within the same timeline or at the same scale without the MGF's support.

 Eligible Applicants

  • Eligible applicants include Mid-Size Farms (MSFs) with landholdings of 3 to 40 hectares and registered smallholder farmer cooperatives. Applications may also be submitted as a consortium involving multiple institutions under a single concept. However, the lead partner responsible for implementation must be clearly identified. Should there be questions of whether your entity is eligible, please submit your inquiry to MalawiMGF@adamsmithinternational.com.

  • The applicant must demonstrate that they have an established link to an off-taker engaged in the export of mangos or macadamia, or that they have plans to establish this linkage.

  • In addition, an applicant must be organised under the laws of Malawi and must submit the following documents (see below for ineligible applicants).

  • Evidence of a minimum of three years’ experience in the priority sectors as per the Call for Application.

  • Certificate of Company Registration or equivalent.    

  • Evidence of financial record keeping/transaction records.

  • Copy of identify documents of Directors.

  • Signed Conflict of Interest Form.        

  • Signed Power of Attoney.  

  • Bank details verification letter.

  • Signed Joint Venture Agreement if applicable.

Prior experience with MTIP is not required. The MTIP MGF encourages concepts from potential new partners.

Ineligible Applicants

  • Any organisation not legally organised under the laws of Malawi

  • Any entity listed in the U.K. government Excluded Parties List 

  • Any Government Entity/parastatal

  • Any Public International Organisation (PIO)

  • Any entity affiliated with FCDO, MTIP or ASI including directors, officers, or employees

  • Any projects involving involuntary resettlement, child labor, significant environmental impacts

  • Any military organisation

  • Any political party organisation

  • Any entity focused solely on religious activities

  • Any individuals

Current Funding

MGF will issue performance-based grants ranging between £15,000 and £100,000. Applicants with lower or higher funding thresholds outside the above range will be considered in very special circumstances. 

The partner is expected to provide a total budget for the proposed project. MGF will fund up to 75 per cent of the proposed project on a grant basis and the partner will be required to fund a minimum of 25 per cent of the total project costs. Budgets will be itemised with the partner demonstrating what they will fund, what they are requesting MGF to fund, and how it will make a notable impact on addressing investment and exports. 

The matched funding must be secured and accessible. This cost share can include but are not limited to matched funding from the grant awardee, equity capital (internal or external) raised, or debt capital mobilised from financial providers. In-kind contributions will also be considered where the grant awardee has already made investments that contribute to the total costs of the proposed project or where the applicant agrees to make in-kind contributions to the total project costs such as construction materials, installation costs, or other goods and services.

Application Submission Information

  • Question and Submission Requirements

    1. Any questions related to this call must be submitted to MGF through the email MalawiMGF@adamsmithinternational.com. MGF will publish responses to questions related to this addendum on a rolling basis until three days before the closure of the present call.

    2. Questions must be submitted in writing; phone calls will not be accepted. Questions and requests for clarification and the responses that MGF believes may be of interest to other offerors will be circulated to all recipients who have indicated an interest in submitting Applications. Only the written answers issued by MGF will be considered official and carry weight in the MGF process and subsequent evaluation. Any verbal information received from employees of MTIP or MGF or any other entity should not be considered as an official response to any questions on this call.

  • Application Submission Requirements

    1. To apply for funding, interested applicants must submit a concept note via the MGF applications platform. Concept notes should strictly follow the instructions as outlined in the Call for Applications Template, and should include technical details of the proposed project, a brief description of partners with whom the applicant proposes to partner if applicable, an itemised budget estimate, and details on the applicant company and track record of performance. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. 

    2. Applications under this call must be filled out using the application form/template provided in Annex in English. Applications and any other required supporting documentation should be submitted in an electronic form to (insert email) , no later than local time 23.59 (Malawi) 14th March 2025. 

    3. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted for further steps on the application processes.  

Selection Criteria:

MGF will apply a streamlined two-stage review and selection process that begins with submitting a concept paper with a high-level budget. Only shortlisted applicants will be sent a request for application to initiate Stage 2 of the selection process, the full application (technical and cost) development and submission. Submitted full applications will undergo a second round of reviews resulting in final award selection.